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This section is currently in progress. Bellow is a glimpse what is coming to this section.

Code Snippets

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You Tube Channel

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WP Tailwind Hero

Tailwind Tutorials. Learn everything you need to know about Tailwind CSS. This crafted tutorial series is designed for integrating Tailwind into WordPress, and we will deep dive into the setup specific to visual builders.

wp tailwind hero
figma templates

Figma UI Kits/Templates

Ready made assets for Dashicons, Block editor icons and plugin update assets with preview prepared as Figma templates.

CoDE Pro Block

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HTML Code Editor & Syntax Highlighting

Much better than the core/html block, it’s powered by the Monaco editor and Emmet autocomplete. With a split preview, it can run as an HTML code block or highlight code on the front end so others can easily copy the code snippets.