DPlugins is bringing you must have tools to ensure your workflow works.

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Self Hoster Launch plugin updates from a private location. Are you tired of the lengthy process of hosting plugins on WordPress.org? Or perhaps you need to self-host plugins for your clients’ websites. We have a simple solution for you. Our Self Hoster WordPress Plugin allows you to manage and launch plugin updates from a private…

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Excellent! The Asura plugin is a great tool for those who want to sell designsets for Oxygen Builder! It takes a lot of hassle out of your hands and streamlines your services. All from within one location. Worth every cent!
Jakub Šnyrch
I use the plugin daily, very useful and I really like the debug mode, it helped a lot 🙂
Mohammed Wasim Akram
Asura is a game-changing plugin for the designers and developers who are passionate about Oxygen because it has opened up the hidden portal for everyone to become a professional Oxygen design template seller. Now you can focus on building beautiful templates, and Asura will take care of everything from packaging, licensing, and distribution to make your life easier and grow your business faster.
Well crafted plugin! Well crafted plugin for selling design sets for Oxygen Builder! Asura is the game changer you need in the toolbox. Great future ahead. Big Thanks.
Nathan Foley
Design Set Licencing Made Easy. Early Adopter to Oxygen and this will make moving and licensing your design sets easier than ever before. Well worth the investment and I can’t wait to see the roadmap and where the plugin goes.
Noureddine Hamaidi
Love it. Asura has evolved a lot in recent updates and I believe it will keep improving over time. It has opened the doors for limitless possibilities for Oxygen Designers. Thanks for Cool product.
Taylor Drayson
Quality and Support is Spot On. The quality and attention to detail is great. Coupled with solid support and documentation. I had no worries when using the plugin that I would be able to set it up quickly and easily.
The Best Idea for Agencies and Designers. Asura is the best option for serious designers who think on a healthy long-term relationship with their site clients – organization is the key!
Dulanto Guerra
The best plugin to manage licenses for design sets. I am using Asura to be able to sell my design sets but I wanted to operate it with a license. I wanted to save time on programming and focus as much time on designs. I discovered Asura for license management and it is very easy for me to manage and control the licenses that I sell.
Interesting plugin. It solves a pain point.
Marc Bollmann
Great plugin a must have for agencies where multiple people are working together on one oxygen project to save valueable time!
Michael Sharp
We are now working like an Agency! You saw the need, and filled the market gap, so you deserve success. It works perfectly, thank you. Let me grab the Sandbox while it’s such a good deal too.
I use almost all software from Joshua Gogun for extending Oxygen Builder. His plugin ideas are focussed on extending functionality and workflow which brings a lot of development speed. Support is very fast and keen to subject. I really recommend any of his work! Jasper
I recently used this for an oxygen project that required multiple people working on pages/templates in order to meet a deadline. Worked great, thanks!
This plugin is amazing, it gives you the opportunity to collaborate with other team members to do the job quicker and easier, if you buy this and the sandbox plugin you’re practically making your life 100% easier.
James Crabb
I’m a fan of the Swiss Knife. It’s one of my favorite oxy plugins and it really enhances Oxygen Builder with its many features, I use Font Manager and Dark mode the most! Worth every penny in my opinion.
Renato Corluka
WP Admin Cleaner is a simple plugin that solves few problems for developers and clients. It helps developers to keep focus, and you can organize WordPress Admin in a better fashion for clients. Another great delivery by dPlugins!
Dicky Ibrohim
Collaboration is best solution when we want to work on a project with Oxygen together. This is really a plugin that saves our time.
Nikita Severin
Time is very valuable to me and my clients. But with these products you can do much more than just reduce time. It’s an investment in the future of your business. This product is a godsend!
Davor Mlinarić
First you install WP and then you install SwissKnife. It’s more than a plugin, it’s a life saver. Awesome features, powerful functionality and great support. Once you try it, you can’t without it.
Shan Shah
As a developer, I’m always looking for a way to isolate my testing environment for my live websites using wordpress.
This plugin allowed me to easily set up an isolated testing environment.
It’s easy to use and set up, and it’s very affordable for such a valuable tool.
I would recommend this plugin to any developer or agency that works with WordPress builders and wants to have an isolated testing and development environment.
Right now, it supports few Builders like Oxygen, bricks & brizy. But, i am sure they are working for other builders as well.
Great work..
Highly recommended
James LePage
I was an early adopter of Swiss Knife Pro and Scripts Organizer and have had the privilege of watching both plugins mature into incredibly helpful tools. Both offer a unique set of features dedicated to saving WordPress creators time and augment the development experience. Aside from the features, the development and support are both best in class. The dPlugins team consistently pushes major and minor updates with helpful features, cosmetic improvements, and more. They have an active community of users and happily integrate popular requests that help users of their plugins. Support queries are answered quickly, professionally, and most importantly… actually help you solve your problem. As a WordPress Agency that uses Oxygen Builder for almost all of our projects, Swiss Knife Pro and Scripts Organizer have saved my team at Isotropic hundreds of hours in manual work, from debugging, to font management, to scheduling mission-critical scripts, and more!
Andrew Choi
This is a very powerful plugin. Not only is it feature-rich and offers all the functionality I need, but it literally works every day for me that I use it. Developers are always listening to user suggestions, and by making changes regularly as they’re suggested, they make sure my experience stays strong. I am very pleased and lucky to have this plugin for my workflow.
Corey Dodd
I don’t often want to add “another plugin” to a WordPress site. But a plugin like Swiss Knife is the kind that I dream of, apart from packing some cool tricks under the hood, Swiss Knife covers the tasks performed a handful of plugins. Using Swiss Knife has allowed me to uninstall other plugins that I will no longer need, reducing my stack. In the short time of owning it, they’ve added features and it just gets better. It’s far one of the best $25 I ever spent and a must for any Oxygen Builder developer.
Matthias Altmann
Man, you’re nailing it! My coder’s heart loves the code hints and emmet!
Scheduling scripts on your WordPress site has never been more straightforward. With Scripts Organizer, you can schedule to run scripts (HTML, CSS, JS & PHP) only where they are needed when they are needed. Add CSS tweaks over Halloween & Black Friday for Visual Themeing or run your chatbot only during your working hours. You can pick a timeframe, select specific dates, weekdays, taxonomies & more. The scripts of your choice will be running only on the pages that match all of your specified conditions. Scripts Organizer gives you the power to schedule scripts in no time.
Alexander Buzmakov
It paid off when I was going for my last vacation. I have scheduled a promotion banner and left my computer at home. That’s how much I trust him.
Simon Kress
Swiss Knife has established itself as one of my favorites. It has become a must-have plug-in for the Oxygen Builder. Personally, I mostly use the ingenious Font Manager, the Script Manager and the Dark Theme for the editor. It’s worth every penny.
Mohammed Wasim Akram
Swiss Knife is the most-powerful Oxygen Builder Add-on with various mind-boggling useful features including but not limited to Dark & Light Mode, HTML to Native Elements, Cross Domain Copy-Paste, and Font Manager which make this an Ideal Oxygen Workflow Enhancement Tool for The WordPress Builders.
Bryn Barker
That dark theme looks clean af.
Holy shit dude. 👍
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