
Winden 1.1.9 – Completely new look for better experience


We have split the page into three tabs with focusing now on the CSS as the main feature. Second one is the Tailwind Configuration because from time to time you will go there and update something. And we moved plug-in settings into the third tab there you will usually just set up something and don’t come back that often.

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Save Shortcut

To keep your hands on the keyboard all the time we introduce the save shortcut and you can use it by pressing control or command depends if you’re on the Mac or the PC plus S.


We also brought dark and light theme to help your eyes during the night hours. Team settings are saved in local storage so your preference will be there until you don’t clear browsers cash.

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screenshot 2022 11 09 at 12.02.05

New Labels

We also spend some time to enhance the enabling experience. Now labels and group titles are more meaningful and easy to understand.

screenshot 2022 11 09 at 12.04.04