
WP Admin Cleaner 1.7

Menu order per role

Before it was for current user only.

This feature allows you to customize menu orders for different roles such as Admins, Editors, Customers, or Users.

Rather than instructing each individual on how to customize their menu, you can now set it up for them according to their user role.

Hide top bar  menu for front end

screenshot 2024 04 05 at 19.37.55

for current user and per user role.

Inject global CSS

With the global CSS you will effect all the users. One above “inject Custom CSS” is for the current user only.

screenshot 2024 04 05 at 19.35.38

Add option to change logo of the admin bar

the same logo field is being used which is for login form logo

order menu Reset

screenshot 2024 04 05 at 09.09.29

for current user and per user role.

If you are dissatisfied with the current menu order, you can easily reset it to the default state instead of rearranging it again.